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11 High-Cholesterol Foods — What to Eat, What to Avoid

11 High-Cholesterol Foods — What to Eat, What to Avoid

Many people misunderstand cholesterol and this is the reason why they have refrained themselves from eating foods high in cholesterol like eggs, as they fear it might spike their chances of heart ailments. However, recent studies and proof from the majority of people show that consuming high-cholesterol-rich foods would cause damage to one’s health. You might also be surprised to learn that good cholesterol foods are packed with essential nutrients that many people fail to include in their diet.

We shall talk about all the cholesterol-rich foods that are healthy and the food items that you must stay away from.

Is Cholesterol Unhealthy?

The waxy substance present in your body and also in animal-based food items like dairy products, eggs, and meat is what we call cholesterol. Cholesterol is responsible for the hormone production in our body i.e. for the making of bile and Vitamin D which the body needs to digest fats. For every cell present in our body, cholesterol is very important, owing to the fact that it offers flexibility and strength to your cell membranes.

Given how cholesterol doesn’t dissolve with liquids or our blood, lipoproteins carry them along with HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein). LDL, also infamously termed as bad cholesterol, is linked with the build-up of plaque in your arteries, while good cholesterol or HDL is what helps in the excretion of the extra cholesterol from our body. Upon consumption of extra bad cholesterol foods, our body will bring down the cholesterol level through compensation.

But when the intake of dietary cholesterol is low, our body will spike the production of cholesterol to make sure the vital element is available in excess.

Healthy Foods to Eat that are Rich in Cholesterol

Some of the good cholesterol food items which are very famous and nourishing are:

1. Eggs

One of the most nutritious good cholesterol foods items that you can always eat is eggs. Eggs are loaded with 211 mg of cholesterol. While for many decades, people might avoid eating eggs fearing it might skyrocket their cholesterol level, it spikes your HDL. Not only cholesterol, but eggs are also high in absorbable protein and packed with other vital nutrients like A and B vitamins and selenium.

2. Cheese

About 27 mg of cholesterol is provided by an ounce of cheese. And though you have heard cheese being a high cholesterol food, studies prove, cheese containing full fat doesn’t have any impact on your cholesterol levels. Most of the cheese types offer a good proportion of A and B vitamins, protein, and calcium.

3. Shellfish

Shellfishes like shrimp, crabs, and clams are rich in vitamin B, selenium, iron, and protein. Plus, they have good amounts of cholesterol. And apart from this, shellfishes also include bioactive components like amino acids taurine, which in turn helps keep heart ailments at bay.

4. Steak-Raised in Pasture

The stead raised in the pasture is loaded with proteins, crucial minerals, B12 vitamins, iron, selenium, and zinc. The pasture-raised steak has lesser cholesterol than beef and is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Organ Meats

Some of the highly nutritious and sources of good cholesterol foods are meat liver, kidney, and heart. You might not know this, but a chicken heart is one of the best sources of antioxidants, zinc, iron, and B12 vitamin.

6. Sardines

Though sardines do not contain nutrients, they are a delicious and a very easy source of protein which you can to the widest variety of dishes. You can also count on sardines if you wish to get your dosage of E vitamin, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, and iron.

7. Full-Fat Curd

Curd or yogurt is rich in cholesterol and comes filled with potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B, phosphorus, calcium, and protein. You get about 31.9 mg of cholesterol in a cup of full-fat curd. You can also keep your blood pressure under check when you start consuming full-fermented dairy products.

8. Cholesterol-Rich Foods to Say ‘No”

There are bad cholesterol foods that are healthy, and then comes other cholesterol-rich foods that aren't and can cause havoc to your body. Some of the cholesterol-rich foods that aren’t good for your health are:

9. Fried Food Items

Any kind of fried food items like cheese sticks, deep-fried meats are high in cholesterol and you must have them and these are the foods to avoid high cholesterol. Apart from being loaded with calories, they also include trans-fat which skyrockets your chances of getting a heart attack. Fried foods also increase your possibility of heart ailments.

10. Junk Food

Nothing equates to the dangers of consuming junk foods, given how they increase your possibilities of inviting heart ailments. People continuously eating junk foods are the ones who suffer from high cholesterol levels, belly fat, and blood regulation disorder.

11. Processed Meat

Bacon, hot dogs, sausages are all high in cholesterol since they are made from processed meat. These are the foods to avoid high cholesterol. Processed meat consumption is associated with increased chances of heart ailments and life-threatening ailments like colon cancer.


The list of unhealthy sweet foods like pastries, ice cream, cakes, and cookies is packed with high levels of cholesterol, calories, added sugars, and unhealthy fats which can damage your overall health and contribute to your weight gain. As per research, added sugar is detrimental to your health given how it gives rise to cancers, cognitive decline, heart ailments, diabetes, and obesity.

Always ensure to eat sufficient amounts of good cholesterol foods to keep your cholesterol level under check. If you are thinking about what foods to eat to lower cholesterol, make sure your diet is rich in fiber-rich foods like oats, beans, and fruits. Apart from this, slack down your unhealthy habits, increase your workout regimen and lose weight to keep your cholesterol level below the borderline.

Disclaimer: The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health expert if you have questions about your health.

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