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Is the CT scan procedure painful? Get A Detailed View To This Imaging Procedure

Is the CT scan procedure painful? Get A Detailed View To This Imaging Procedure

Do you have any idea why doctors often recommend getting a CT scan for the brain or abdomen? You might have come across multiple medical imaging procedures, but medical specialists suggest getting a CT scan brain or chest for some obvious reasons. One such important reason is its painless examination.

Yes, the computed tomography scan (CT scan) procedure does not involve any kind of health risks or complications. Instead, it effectively scans the cross-sectional images of the body organs and helps doctors find the root cause of the health disorder. Though it is a type of x-ray, it produces clearer and more prominent images of the organs, bones, and tissues. In fact, CT scan images show details in a far better way compared to x-rays.

Are you still confused about whether CT scans are effective and pain-free? Keep reading to understand more about this procedure.

How does a CT scan for the brain or abdomen work?

CT scans require a narrow x-ray beam to inspect the section inside the body. A series of x-rays are used from different angles to capture two-dimensional HD images from multiple corners. This process is repeated to ensure the scanner scans the internal body sections effectively and displays the images on the computer screen.

Every CT scan procedure requires a computer system to view images. Doctors can also zoom in and zoom out these images to check out the structural changes and diagnose the health-related problem effectively. 

Whether a patient requires a CT scan for the brain or opts for a CT scan abdomen, the beam of x-rays does not provide any kind of problem. Instead, they help surgeons and doctors identify severe diseases in a short time. 

How do radiologists perform a CT scan chest or abdomen?

CT scans are common and can be easily performed in a radiology center or path lab. For this procedure, doctors ask patients not to eat or drink for a few hours before the examination. This again depends upon the type of CT scans they are likely to perform. For example, a CT scan abdomen may require more time than a CT scan of the chest.

A few more preparations are required to avoid any kind of risks. For example, patients should wear comfortable clothing to avoid claustrophobic symptoms during the process. All metallic objects like body piercing, medication patches, etc., should be removed to ensure no hindrance during the procedure. 

Once patients are ready for the CT scan brain or abdomen, they are asked to lie inside a large tube-shaped scanning machine to start the process. The moment the scanner starts operating, the x-ray beams circle around the body to take pictures of the internal body organs. This may take time, approximately 15 minutes. 

The CT scan procedure is used to diagnose multiple health-related issues. These can be –

  • Joint problems

  • Bone fractures

  • Tumors, cancers, heart disease, liver problems

  • Internal injuries and bleeding

Doctors suggest getting this scan to provide better treatment plans and get proper guidance for any biopsy, surgeries, and radiation therapy. Routine chemotherapy is performed based on the CT scan reports that display a clearer image of the tumor. 

All CT tests like CT scan brain, CT chest, and CT abdomen are performed in the same manner. You need to undergo these steps no matter which one you opt for. 

What is a pet CT scan procedure? Is it different from other CT scans?

A pet CT scan or positron emission tomography is a bit different from other CT scans. It is particularly used to measure the metabolism or biochemical function of the body tissues and organs. Unlike normal CT scans, it helps doctors find abnormal behavior within the brain, chest, or other body organs.

Is a CT scan chest, brain, or abdomen really painful?

Absolutely not! Whether you opt for a CT scan chest or brain CT test, radiologists conduct the entire procedure smoothly without any stress. Now, many of you may wonder how ionizing radiation is helpful for the body. Definitely, it is not. But if a patient is exposed to limited radiation, then health risks can be easily avoided. 

Trained CT scan experts have good knowledge of this and perform the job effectively. You can easily trust a reliable CT scan center like Star Imaging and Path Lab and get a pet CT scan or other CT test done as your doctor recommends. 

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