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What Is Tuberculosis and Its Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Test

What Is Tuberculosis and Its Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Test

What Is Tuberculosis?

There is no denying that Tuberculosis is a highly contagious infection that targets the human lungs. Moreover, it can further spread from the lungs to other parts of the body, such as the brain or the spine. It's essential to mention that a particular bacteria type termed Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes the infection among humans.

Can Tuberculosis Be Cured?

It's worth mentioning that Tuberculosis was one of the most chronic and leading causes of human death in the United States back in the 20th century. However, this has improved in recent times due to the fast progression of medical science with antibiotics.

What Are The Symptoms Of Tuberculosis?

It's worth mentioning that the Latent TB variant doesn't have any symptoms of Tuberculosis. Doctors can essentially identify TB through a skin or blood test. Here's a detailed breakdown of telling signs for active Tuberculosis disease.

  • Coughing Blood
  • Consistent Tiredness
  • Three-Week Lasting Cough
  • Chest Pain
  • Nightly Sweats
  • Chills
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Fever
  • Weight Loss

There's no denying that if you have such symptoms, you immediately consult doctors for medical assistance. Moreover, it would be best not to waste any time getting medical help when the chest starts paining.

Causes of Tuberculosis

It's essential to mention that Tuberculosis originates from bacteria, which are transmitted through the air. To put it simply, Tuberculosis is just like your regular cold or flu. Additionally, it is equally worthy to highlight that people who are already suffering from the infection can further pass on the virus.

Tuberculosis Transmission

As mentioned already, people who are battling Tuberculosis can essentially pass the virus. They give out tiny contaminated droplets from their mouth when they sneeze, cough, talk, laugh or sing. Others in the vicinity and breathing in the atmosphere will develop it—additionally, it is only necessary to mention that Tuberculosis is not that quick to attack. People must spend a considerable period around the TB patient to get affected.

There's no denying that such things can occur in any particular setting that contains friends, co-workers, and family members. And the said diseases don't dwell on the surface areas as well.

What Is Tuberculosis Test

Lastly, it is only essential to mention two types of tests available for Tuberculosis infection: the TB skin test and the TB blood test. The attending doctor must call the most suited Tuberculosis test for the patient in concern. It is worth mentioning that the doctors must consider certain factors while choosing the test types- such as the test availability, the reason for testing, and the cost. Additionally, it is not prescribed to test a person with a TB skin test and a TB blood test.

Here's a detailed breakdown of the excellent and are two standard tests for Tuberculosis. 

  • Skin Test

There is the primary standard tuberculosis test that is also known as the Mantoux skin test. A medical professional will inject some fluid into your lower arm skin, only to check the space after two days for any swelling. Any positive result will essentially identify Tuberculosis bacteria.

  • Blood Test

These tests can also be called interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs). They can be highly vital to identifying the result of Tuberculosis proteins mixed with your blood. It's essential to mention that such tests don't indicate the latency or activeness of the infection.

Treatment of Tuberculosis

There's no denying that treatments typically depend on the nature of the infections. Here's a detailed breakdown for your comprehensive understanding.

  • If you have developed latent Tuberculosis, the doctors will provide medication for eliminating the bacteria, which will prevent the infection from becoming active. There is also a great chance that you might get isoniazid, rifampin, or rifapentine, either alone or combined. Although you have to rely on the drugs for a long stretch, you must call the doctors if you have any signs of active Tuberculosis. 
  • Secondly, there's no denying that medicines in combination can also battle active Tuberculosis. The most common medications that are suggested are ethambutol, pyrazinamide, isoniazid, and rifampin. While you may have to count on the medicines for a year, don't hesitate to contact a doctor if you have drug-resistant Tuberculosis. Moreover, they can cause side effects if you take more time to get them in, say thirty months,
  • It is worth mentioning that you must finish taking the medications regardless of the infection you have. This is primarily since if you quit prematurely, the bacteria could become resistant to the drugs.

How to Prevent Tuberculosis

It is extremely vital to highlight that people from tuberculosis-prone areas receive the BCG vaccine early in their age to counter the disease. However, the vaccine is not much popular in parts of the United States since it doesn't always protect against infection, as per some medical experts. More and more doctors are recommending it strictly for children who live with active tuberculosis infection.

Disclaimer: The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health expert if you have questions about your health.

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