As the medical field is advancing, scans have become a reliable way of finding out about internal problems without making any form of an incision. Like all other branches of medicine, dentistry too is extensively using imaging such as CT scan teeth for proper diagnosis and complicated procedures such as implants. With the help of the scans, your dentist can get an accurate idea regarding the growth of the teeth, the blood flow, the tissues surrounding, any unusual growth, infection and so on. Find out more about the procedure and cost of these scans.
Oral health plays a very profound influence on the overall health of your body. Apart from your appearance and quality of life, dental health also impacts major functions such as digestion. Crooked or diseased teeth can also create problems related to teeth. That is why leading physicians always emphasise the importance of maintaining your oral health along with the other parts of your body.
Contrary to the common notion, good dental hygiene does not refer to maintaining your pearly whites alone. It also includes the gums and the mouth as a whole. While regular brushing and flossing your teeth is important, it cannot replace the need to see a dentist from time to time.
The common practice is to visit a dentist only when you are suffering from toothache or other such serious problems. But timely check-up can actually prevent the problems from taking an acute form. In the course of dental diagnosis, your doctor may ask you to dental scan. These scans help doctors in understanding your problems accurately and offering you the right solution.
You can search for “dental scan near me” to find the list of imaging services in Delhi.
Like the scans of all other parts of the body, a dental scan is the internal imaging of your tooth and gum. Through these scans, blood flow, the structure of the teeth, any abnormal growth, infection or musculoskeletal disorder can be detected.
While in the earlier days, the conventional X-rays were used for dental imaging, today, there are far more reliable technologies available. Examples of these technologies include cone beam CT scan and 3D dental imaging. With the digital imaging techniques, doctors can now obtain a far more detailed picture of the interiors. So without making any kind of painful incisions, the whole dental problem can be accessed by them.
Go through the details of some of the most common scan techniques available in the leading dental imaging centre:
CT, which stands for computerised tomography, is an advanced scanner that is widely used in medical imaging. A term that you will often come across, especially in reference to dental diagnosis, is the CBCT scan. It is nothing but a subtype of CT scan.
CBCT dental actually stands for Cone Beam Computerised Tomography. Unlike the conventional X-Ray, here, a cone-shaped beam is emitted. This beam can capture powerful images of your facial tissues, teeth, root and the like.
Using special techniques, the series of pictures are then stitched together to create a three-dimensional image. Whether you will need regular CBCT imaging or three-dimensional pictures depend on the condition of your tooth, its positioning and the complications that you may be facing.
It is also important to note here that since only a small part of your body is being imaged here, only a limited amount of the ray is used. So in comparison to the conventional CT scans, you will be exposed to a much lower quantity of radiation. In terms of cost, the CBCT scan dental is much more affordable.
Opt for the leading “dental CBCT scan near me” to avail quality imaging at the best prices in Delhi.
There is no special preparation that you need to undergo the CBCT test. Your head will be placed at a specific angle, following with the motorized scanner will move around it in 360 degrees capturing a series of pictures. The CBCT scan cost in Delhi will depend on factors such as how detailed the picture needs to be and so on.
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No, the CBCT test is not at all painful. In a sense, you can liken it to the experience of getting photographed, which causes no pain or discomfort.
The entire procedure of the CBCT test does not take more than a few minutes. All you have to do is position your head in a specific manner as the rotating camera captures your pictures. However, you may need to wait for some time to avail your test results.
The CBCT scan price differs as per the specific images required in your case. However, the leading imaging centres offer you the test at extremely pocket-friendly prices.