FibroScan is a non-invasive and specialised ultrasound procedure that helps accurately evaluate the health of your liver. It is used to assess the extent of steatosis (fatty change) and fibrosis (scarring) in your liver.
Fibrosis is the stiffness of the liver which affects its optimum functioning and causes it to degrade over time. Infection caused by Hepatitis B and C, excessive alcohol consumption, biliary diseases, haemochromatosis, or certain drugs may result in liver fibrosis. If left untreated, fibrosis can lead to liver cirrhosis.
The FibroScan ultrasound machine uses a probe, placed on the right lower chest, to send shear waves into the liver and diagnose the stiffness of the liver. The readings are recorded ten times, helping provide more accurate results. The test is performed on the liver’s right lobe via the intercostal route using the ultrasound probe. FibroScan is rapid, easy to perform and ensures high-end precision.
Star Imaging and Path Lab provides the best FibroScan services in Delhi NCR, ensuring the entire procedure gets completed in 10-30 minutes.
We are the #1 choice for top-quality and affordable FibroScan price in Delhi NCR. Enquire now to get the most competitive rates for the liver FibroScan test near you.