For Securities Held in Physical Form

KFin Technologies Limited

(Formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited)

Unit : Star Imaging

For Securities held in Demat Form

To the Investors' Depository Participant (s) and/or
KFin Technologies Limited (Formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited)

For Investor Grievances

Md Shadab Khan

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

If you are a patient seeking quality healthcare at affordable prices!.


Star imaging & path lab's mission is to use world class technology to give in depth & latest studies for better diagnostic approach. Our continuous effort is to create healthy community by bringing health awareness and moving from reactive to preventive health care and early detection for all age groups and gender. In past years, we have ensured world class diagnostics to Delhi/NCR and our vision is to raise our own bar by continuous efforts to bring service excellence, patient care and latest technology at affordable prices for all.

Star Imaging

Why Choose Star Imaging?

  • 9

    Years of established excellence

  • 15

    Expert, organ-specific radiologists

  • 100000

    Patients assisted

  • 130000

    Scans performed and interpreted

Patient Speaks


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