
Star Imaging & Path Lab Press Releasing 1

Released on : 17 Mar -2025

Star Imaging & Path Lab Press Releasing 2

Released on : 17 Mar -2025


COVID-19 Warriors During Lockdown | Appreciating Healthcare Workers At Star Imaging & Path Lab

Released on : 30 Nov -0001

COVID -19 IgG Antibody Test | Star Imaging & Path Lab

COVID -19 IgG Antibody Test | Star Imaging & Path Lab

Released on : 23 Jan 2021

Star Imaging & Path Lab - India's Leading Diagnostic & Pathology Centre

Star Imaging & Path Lab - India's Leading Diagnostic & Pathology Centre

Released on : 0 Nov -0001

Vaccine is tried and tested| Do not hesitate, get vaccinated.

The vaccination drive that is launched is coming up with a lot of emotions and reliability. Some people are not ready to take the vaccine. The front-liners and health care workers are taking it so that people don’t get the anxiety through the vaccine. People are afraid due to the side effect seen in a different country but the vaccine made in India is working best and not coming up with many side effects. When vaccines are given to a person there are some mild effects that people face like fever and others from the different vaccines. There is no major side effect that is been seen till now from the vaccine. People should not get confused by the word emergency approval as it means that it has gone through all the guidelines and protocol. Everyone has to wait for the vaccine and should not follow any fake vaccine. People should not avoid the vaccine as it is not mandatory for all to take but to keep their body safe they must take it.

Released on : 20 Jan 2021

Vaccination and Prevention must go hand in hand. #followprotocols

As two vaccines have launched in India and this very good news for the whole country. But it doesn’t mean that people will not follow the basic guideline given by the Government. People still need to wear masks and take all the precautions before going out of the home. Some stages will be followed while giving the emergency vaccine. In the first stage, the vaccine will be provided to the healthcare workers and front line workers. Corona has not yet left so everyone has to maintain the social distancing. The positivity rate and transmission rate have gone down but it doesn’t mean that people will forget the protocol. Until the vaccination drive doesn’t complete everyone has to follow the protocol. Everyone has to trust the vaccination of India as there are so many rumors that are going on for this right communication is needed. When vaccination happens there is some side effect that happens but it is mind symptoms.

Released on : 20 Jan 2021

Both government and private hospitals are playing an important role in covid vaccine.

The data of healthcare workers was already taken for this vaccine purpose. In Delhi, approximately 89 centers were finalized by the government where vaccination will take place. The centers include both private and government hospitals. From there the vaccination will start from the health care worker. If coming to private players in 89 hospitals, 40 hospitals are government hospitals and 49 private hospitals. All the hospitals will follow the guideline given by the government. There is an app that is going to use in this process which is cowin app. But there is some app of the same in google which is fake and many people have also downloaded it and even shared their information. People need to follow all the protocol

Released on : 19 Jan 2021

Leading from front and taking healthcare to the next level

Due to covid-19, everything has changed in the world. Before the pandemic, all the business was going well. Star imaging and path lab(P)Ltd comes with so many social initiatives like contributing to the Vanda Bharat mission, then Huner joyti with Delhi Police. Now they come up with a Health care Project in Uttrakhand, Jharkhand, Haryana, and Delhi Government. Now they are ready to serve India with the new wave of strength and joy.

Released on : 17 Jan 2020


Even during COVID-19 outbreak, health care facilities could not be compromised. Since the beginning of the lockdown in Delhi till the current Unlock situation, Star Imaging has made continuous efforts to provide healthcare services by following all the guidelines issued during lockdown. To further strengthen the healthcare system and to provide timely healthcare services by expert doctors with the help digital media, Medanta E-Clinic has been launched through joint efforts of Star Imaging and Path Lab and Medanta Hospital, at Star Imaging and Path Lab, 4B/4, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018 on 6th October 2020.

Released on : 07 Oct 2020

For serving humanity in all even & odd circumstances, SIPL felicitated by zee media

For serving humanity in all even & odd circumstances, SIPL felicitated by Honb'le Minister of State Finance and Corporate Affairs, Shri. Anurag Thakur, Noida Police Commissioner Shri. Alok Singh & many dignitaries@ Zee Media House, Film City, Noida....

Released on : 07 Oct 2020

COVID 19 News Star Imaging & Path Lab Has Launched A Mobile Van To Collect COVID 19 Samples

Republic Bharat News : Star Imaging has launched a mobile van to collect covid 19 samples

Released on : 22 Aug 2020

Delhi Police Health Campaign 2020 'Healthy Police, Happy Police' Star Imaging & Path Lab

#News24 : कोरोना महामारी के फैलने के समय में तनाव से बचने के लिए और पुलिसकर्मियों को स्वस्थ और फिट बनाए रखने के उद्देश्य से शुक्रवार को डी.सी.पी सेंट्रल, श्री संजय भाटिया जी ने एडिशनल डी.सी.पी, श्री सिकंदर सिंह और स्टार इमेजिंग एंड पैथ लैब के साथ मिलकर "हेल्दी पुलिस, हैप्पी पुलिस" कैंपेन का उदघाटन किया।

Released on : 22 Aug 2020

Webinar On Covid 19 Safety & Precautions | Star Imaging & Path lab | Delhi Police | Corona Awareness

Webinar on Covid 19 safety and precautions organised by star imaging & path lab and Delhi Police. Doctor Panel : Dr J.S. Arora, Dr Sandeep Datta and Dr Mini Mehta ( Star Healthcare and Star Wellness ) Date : 12th May 2020 Highlights : How to use and dispose off the preventive articles of corona like, masks, hands, gloves, face sheild, PPE kit etc. Preventive measures of corona. Recommended steps to follow if found Corona Positive and steps to enhance immunity. One to one interactive for all other queries

Released on : 22 Aug 2020

Webinar On Covid 19 Safety & Precautions Star Imaging & Path lab Delhi Police Corona Awareness

Mr.Sameer Bhati is the Director at STAR IMAGING AND PATH LAB has a very vast experience of Healthcare industry. He started his professional journey way back in Yr. 2000 & presently associated with Star Imaging & Path Labs Pvt. Ltd. as Head of Research & Development & Chief Controller of Medical Education in Star Education and Training Institute. He executed many successful campaigns in this industrial segment. Experience: 17 Years Healthcare industry. Expertise: Head of Research & Development & Chief Controller of Medical Education in Star Education and Training Institute

Released on : 22 Aug 2020

Mr Sameer Bhati Starimaging Path Lab


Released on : 08 Aug 2020

Mr Sameer Bhati Star Imaging Path Lab Delhi

IAESP INDIA Medico Pride Awards 2014

Released on : 08 Aug 2020

Worlwide Achievers Healthcare Excellence Award 2013 to Mr Sameer Bhati

Worlwide Achievers Healthcare Excellence Award 2013 to Mr Sameer Bhati

Released on : 08 Aug 2020

Times Of India Healthcare Achievers 2017 Delhi NCR

"Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" Witness the Coming Together of the Entire Delhi & NCR Healthcare Community in Spectacular Style to Felicitate Top Doctors, Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories and Other Healthcare Providers.

Released on : 07 Aug 2020

Times Of India Healthcare Achievers 2017 Delhi NCR

"Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" Witness the Coming Together of the Entire Delhi & NCR Healthcare Community in Spectacular Style to Felicitate Top Doctors, Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories and Other Healthcare Providers.

Released on : 07 Aug 2020

Times Of India Healthcare Achievers 2017 Delhi NCR

Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" Witness the Coming Together of the Entire Delhi & NCR Healthcare Community in Spectacular Style to Felicitate Top Doctors, Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories and Other Healthcare Providers.

Released on : 07 Aug 2020

Covid-19 self-testing: ICMR gives nod to Meril, Mylab self-testing kits; safety of these kits explained

Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has given a nod to self-testing kits including the one by Meril and one by Mylab. A massive increase in Coronavirus cases during the second wave has surely impacted testing infrastructure. Delays in Covid-19 testing led to late detection in positive cases. Following this, the Indian Council of Medical Research ( ICMR ) has given a nod to self-testing kits including the one by Meril and one by Mylab.

Released on : 11 Jun 2021

COVID-19 lab tests: Essential blood tests for women, COVID-recovered patients and senior citizens; All you need to know

Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" For those still wondering ‘What blood tests should I get annually’ or ‘what tests should a woman have every year?’, here’s a ready reckoner to take note of! Essential tests for women’s health and for those recovering from COVID-19 now take the spotlight! For over a year now, Indians are used to wearing face masks whenever a visitor rings the doorbell and in particular when they step out of their homes.

Released on : 10 Jun 2021

एक्सपर्ट से जानें, पैप टेस्ट से जुड़ी जरूरी बातें और क्यों 21 साल के बाद महिलाओं के लिए ये टेस्ट है जरूरी

Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" पैप टेस्ट या पैप स्मीर टेस्ट का इस्तेमाल सर्वाइकल कैंसर का पता लगाने के लिए किया जाता है। यह आपके गर्भाशय की ग्रीवा में कैंसर की उपस्थिति का पता लगाने के लिए की जाने वाली जांच प्रक्रिया है। 21 साल उम्र से ऊपर की हर एक महिला को हर तीन साल में एक बार पैप टेस्ट कराने की सलाह दी जाती है। कुछ महिलाओं में संक्रमण या कैंसर होने का खतरा बढ़ जाता है।

Released on : 05 Jun 2021

कोरोना संक्रमित होने पर भी RT-PCR टेस्ट रिपोर्ट निगेटिव आ सकती है?

Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" कोरोना मरीजों के कुछ ऐसे मामलों का पता चला है, जिसमें कोविड के सारे लक्षण होने के बावजूद कोरोना टेस्ट निगेटिव आया और तबीयत बिगड़ने के बाद सीटी स्कैन या दूसरे टेस्ट के बाद कोरोना का पता चला | कोरोना की दूसरी लहर का कहर झेल रहे भारत के लिए फॉल्स निगेटिव यानी कोरोना संक्रमित होने पर भी जांच पॉजिटिव न आने की कितनी बड़ी कीमत चुकानी पड़ सकती है, ये हम सभी समझ सकते हैं |

Released on : 05 Jun 2021

Mammography & Pap Test: Everything You Must Know, Expert Explains

Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" Some of us may have heard about certain tests like mammography and Pap test but what truly are they all about we may not know. It is important that you know what is happening in your body and if some diseases can be prevented from further damage, then why not?

Released on : 18 Mar 2021

क्यों जरूरी है लिपिड प्रोफाइल टेस्ट, जानिए इसके बारे में सब कुछ | Sameer Bhati | Star Imaging

Best Diagnostic center (Radiology & Laboratory Medicine) Star Imaging & Path Lab" लिपिड प्रोफाइल टेस्ट का इस्तेमाल लोगों में दिल संबंधी रोगों के जोखिम का पता लगाने के लिए किया जाता है | इसमें ब्लड टेस्ट होते हैं, जिनकी मदद से आपके ब्लड में मौजूद 4 तरह के लिपिड लेवल को मापा जाता है |

Released on : 17 Sep 2021

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